Friday, January 11, 2008

Back To Normal

After all the special events that have gone on over the last few months, it seems as though Walt Disney World has gone "back to normal." I went back to the Magic Kingdom tonight and "normal" actually took some getting used to. Not too long though! Stepping into Main Street, U.S.A, it took about a minute before I was able to fully take in the traditional Main Street music again. I had grown so accustomed to the Christmas carols. But Main Street music is what makes Main Street... well, Main Street! It was great to hear it again. I mean, when you hear that music, that's what you think of when you think "Magic Kingdom." All of the holiday decorations are gone. Oh, and Cinderella Castle. Her holiday lights may be gone, but she is still as beautiful as ever. Watching her glow in the night, changing colors... it makes you remember why you fell in love with her in the first place. For those who have seen the Dream Along with Mickey show, I recommend watching it from Cinderella's well. You get a really different perspective of it. It's almost like watching it from backstage, but not quite. Also, watch out for the pyro that shoots in your direction at the end. The crowds are definitely light this time of year. There were parts of the park that were virtually empty. That gave me plenty of opportunity to get reacquainted with the place. "Normal" is back, and you know what? That's not such a bad thing.

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