Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning

I bought the new DVD "The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning" this week and I must say, I loved it! It is a MUCH better story than "Return to the Sea". "Ariel's Beginning" is actually a prequel, taking place about a year before the events of the original. It tells the tale of a time when music was forbidden from the kingdom of Atlantica. It does a good job of telling how certain characters got to be where they were in "The Little Mermaid", including Ariel's introduction to Flounder. I thought the story had a lot of heart. There were moments that really touched you. The characters were well-done. Ariel is back to being the independent, head strong troublemaker we're so used to. There is just something about a responsible Ariel that made "Return to the Sea" so wrong. What's great about this movie is how more attention is given to Ariel's sisters. You're able to see who they are, how different each one is, and how they interact with each other. Ariel's interaction with her sisters are some of the best parts of the movie. I do have two complaints though. One is with the characterization of Flounder. He is way too brave in this film. That is not the Flounder we know at all. He's supposed to be a guppy! And second, for a movie whose story revolves around music, the music in the film isn't all that memorable. No song really stands out for me. "Ariel's Beginning" isn't a perfect movie. It doesn't hold a candle to the original and belongs nowhere near any theatrical release. But for a DVD prequel, it's pretty darn good. It also reminded me that I really need to get out to New York to see the Broadway show. That thought has slipped my mind since I joined the Disney cast. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

Mariam B said...

I have also watched the movie recently. I also liked the Ariel in Return to the Sea. The reason Ariel was so rebelious in the prequel was becuase she's just a kid, like 11 12 years old give or take. In Return to the Sea, she like in her 20's, and has a kid, is a queen, go figure how she matures. I do agree with your point on this movie, how it really revolves around the music and no song seems to be very memorable. Plus they repeat the same song way too much for my taste. All in all i really enjoyed the movie and had a blast watching it.