The store only had replica jerseys, no authentics. I don't think I've ever seen a store outside of the actual arena that sells authentics. The main difference is that the replica uses different materials. It doesn't have that stretch, waterproof material. And there's no fight strap. One difference I didn't notice until I finally saw them was that the replicas are actually cut differently at the bottom of the jersey. The authentics have rounded hemlines, which are weird and make the traditional horizontal stripes on a hockey jersey look really weird. The replicas, however, have a flat hemline with a triangular cut on the sides splitting the front and back, much like a polo shirt. Those make the horizontal lines on a replica look much nicer. I don't understand why the authentics couldn't do that.
Other than that, there aren't too many differences from the traditional hockey jersey. Yeah, it's more form fitting but they still look like hockey jerseys. I spent a good amount of time checking out the details of each one. I was happy to see the Ottawa Senators jersey, mainly because the Penguins one has the same style. I have a Penguins jersey on order and now I was able to see what it would look like before I got it. The Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens jerseys are still classics and I wouldn't mind getting one of those. But I'm getting my Penguins one first! I was surprised by the price. They were regularly priced. I thought Disney would jack up their prices like they do for everything else, but they didn't. The Vancouver Canucks jerseys weren't so bad in person. They've gotten a bad rap, mostly because of the "Vancouver" wordmark. But once you get past the wordmark, it's a nice jersey. Now I can't say the same for the Calgary Flames and the Edmonton Oilers. What the hell were they thinking? Calgary tried way too hard with their jersey. There's too much going on with that jersey, from the laces to the vertical stripes, to the weird ram effect on the back, to having the flags on the shoulders. The Oilers were the opposite. It's like they were halfway through designing their jersey and just quit. It looks like parts of it are missing! I feel sorry for the province of Alberta.
And that my friends has been your hockey fashion report.
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